Monday, November 2, 2009

Rav Siach

Rav Siach is a cross-denominational extended seminar of “actual” Pluralism.  It brings together highly motivated rabbinical students from different rabbinical training programs who are spending the year studying in Israel, and challenges them to take part in this unique dialogue.  Rav Siach creates a safe space in which the congregational leaders of tomorrow can learn from and challenge each other with the hope of better understanding the diversity of the Jewish community and the intent of building bridges within.
The select group of participants meets in Jerusalem once a week from November through January.  Facilitated by a faculty of Rabbi-Educators of diverse religious “flavors”, they study text and discuss issues which lie at the core of rabbinic communal leadership.  Ta Shma at Melitz offers a true pluralistic Jewish learning experience which truly exemplifies the art or machloket l’shem shamayim. .    Some topics addressed are: “aseh lecha rav”, “encountering the divine”, and “Klal yisrael” - all within the intent of exploring different approaches, accepting the other within the community, creating a new language of dialogue and challenging each student to reflect on his or her own identity.
A Shabbat retreat will provide a more informal opportunity to interact and build relationships with peers and faculty, as well as challenge the group to put their pluralism into action while figuring out a way to celebrate Shabbat together.  The relationships created during Rav Siach will serve as a network for the future, a cross-community sounding board for rabbinical colleagues facing crucial questions of Jewish identity and leadership a fragmented Jewish World.
Here are some personal reflections of our graduates:
“I have a richer understanding of the rabbinical world outside of my movement, and I hope that will be reflected in my ability and eagerness to participate in cooperative ventures in the future.”  (Daniel, Rav Siach 5769)
“I think that I am better equipped to interact warmly and securely with rabbis who hold somewhat different positions than me, as a result of the interactions at Rav Siach.”  (Judi, Rav Siach 5767)
“…I was recently interviewing at a Jewish organization and it was a moment at Rav Siach that provided me with my answer to one of their questions about how I grapple with Jewish pluralism!” (David, Rav Siach 5766)
“It has forced me to look more at my place within the rabbinate as a whole rather than just my school.” (Benji, Rav Siach 5769)
Rav Siach will take place in Beit Melitz which is in Kiryat Moria in East Talpiyot.  Session will run from 7pm-9:30pm on Monday evenings, during the fall semester.
Here are the dates for Rav Siach 5760 (2009):
November 2nd
November 9th
November 16th
November 23rd
November 30th
December 7th
December 14th
December 21st
December 28th. 
We will go away for a Shabbaton the weekend of December 5th Parashat Va’Yishlach.
During the spring semester Rav Siach will invite graduates to participate in a number of workshops along with other students training to work in the Jewish community who are studying in Israel for the year.
Participants are required to participate in all the sessions and shabbaton.  A book stipend will be given with completion of the program.
For further details please contact Peri Sinclair or by phone 054.434.6252

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